Before Intravenous Anesthesia Sedation


  1. Please have nothing to eat or drink 8 hours before your appointment. However, you may have a small cup of water no later than 2 hours before your scheduled appointment. Otherwise, we will not be able to put you to sleep.
  2. Do not wear any of the following:
    a. Contact lens
    b. Tight-fitting clothing
    c. Make up, loose hair accessories, nail polish, or loose fitting shoes.
  3. Under no conditions can you drive yourself home. You will not be put to sleep unless a responsible adult is coming to take you home via car or taxi.
  4. YOU MUST NOT drive a vehicle or operate any hazardous machinery for at least 24 hours after your anesthetic or sedation.
  5. Please do not smoke 12 hours before surgery. Please do not consume any recreational drugs or alcohol 24 hours prior to your surgery.


  1. Do call our office if you have a COLD or COUGH. We may decide to reschedule your appointment after you have fully recovered.
  2. Do have someone come to pick you up after your surgery. Please bring their telephone number so that we may contact them when you are ready to go home.
  3. Do have a responsible adult at home who can assist and help you in taking care of your needs for the first 24 hours after anesthesia.
  4. Do wear a short sleeve top.
  5. Do prepare to take time off work or study after your surgery to recover before returning to normal routine. If you feel that you are making good progress, you may choose to return to light work. Please use your discretion. Should you require a note to excuse you from work or school, please advise our receptionist.